Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sensory Bag

Focus Question:
How do scientists use their senses to learn about the world around them?

Prediction/Hypothesis: Predict what is in the brown bag without looking, only using our senses, what you can touch and feel, through the outside of the bag.

Brown paper sack, washer, paper clip, foam paintbrush, marble, plastic straw, toothpick
- Have students explain the sounds it makes when you shake the bag and what it feels like when you touch the bag, then have them predict when they think might be in it.


Claims and Evidence:
We discovered that using our senses helped us make good predictions abot the size, feel, and sound of the items in the bag.
- I think there will be a paper clips, marble, and a washer in the bag. Not sure what the other objects without looking in the bag.
My prediction about a paper clip and a washer came true after we looked into the bag. We also discovered a plastic straw, toothpick and foam paint brush.

Conclusion: How can we look closely at objects in our world to learn more about them?
In this investigation, I (we) learned that scientists use their senses to discover the world around them. How can we look closely

What other situations can you think of you would need to use your senses to help you solve a problem?

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